School Yourself Named a Verizon Powerful Answers Award Winner for 2014

Verizon’s Multi-Million Dollar Challenge Generated Thousands of Innovative Ideas from across the Globe

We're proud to announce that School Yourself has been named a 2014 Powerful Answers Award winner in the education category. Verizon’s second consecutive multi-million dollar global challenge sought powerful ideas that may leverage Verizon’s cutting-edge technology and will help deliver groundbreaking solutions and social good in four core areas: education, healthcare, sustainability, and transportation.

School Yourself is one of three winners in the education category and one of 12 winners total (three in each category). The ideas that win the top prizes of $1 million in each category will be revealed on Jan. 27, 2015 in New York City. The remaining eight winners will receive $250,000 each, for a total of $6 million awarded by Verizon.

John Doherty, senior vice president, Corporate Development for Verizon, said, "We’re blown away by this year’s winners and look forward to revealing who will take home the top prize of $1 million. All 12 winners have shared impressive ideas and solutions and we look forward to seeing them succeed and working with them to leverage our technology and help make the world a better place."

In addition to the prize money, School Yourself has the opportunity to connect with a variety of network, business development and marketing experts, and partners across Verizon to explore ongoing collaborations.

Watch School Yourself's participation in the Powerful Answers Awards Event live on January 27 via And don’t forget to root for us via #VZPAA.